Welcome to the updated website February 2018

Many thanks to Brian Hackett, our vice chair, for his input to the new website http://www.wyhps.co.uk over the last year. Due to his other commitments, including those to the national society, he has passed the reins to me.

The website is still a ‘work in progress’ and I welcome the views of members as to what they would like to be able to access via the site, and my aim is that it becomes a useful resource.

There is a plethora of information on the internet, but sometimes it is quite useful to have direct links to other useful sites all in one place.

On the Home page there is information on upcoming events, and reports of recent meetings.

The top menu has links to the programme of lectures and garden visits, past newsletters, event reports (past lectures and garden visits), blogs (Sue Gray our chair, contributes to ‘In the Chairman’s Garden’ and I have started a new blog ‘cj’s musings’.

There are also links to other websites including the national Hardy Plant Society website http://www.hardy-plant.org.uk , The National Garden Scheme https://www.ngs.org.uk and the RHS https://www.rhs.org.uk .

Initially I should like to trial a link to local gardens open under the yellow book scheme (ngs), and to feature a ‘Plant of the Month’ and contributions from members would be very welcome.

Other thoughts are that it might be useful for newer members to have links to, or a list of, local nurseries.

The newsletter has ‘lapsed’ due to Judi Barton’s work and other commitments. However, if the website is ‘populated’ by useful and interesting information, it should be possible to produce a biannual newsletter (primarily available electronically or by print on request).

I should be grateful if you would reply to these suggestions via the ‘comments’ section or via email to cjorton@doctors.org.uk , please insert in the subject ‘WYHPS website’.

Welcome and ‘good gardening’,

Jane Orton

Web Manager West Yorkshire Hardy Plant Society Group






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